
Recipe: Seared Albacore w/ Lemon Garlic Olive Oil and Fresh Herbs

This is one of our favorite things to eat and because it is so easy, it is regularly on our dinner menu. Get yourself a nice piece of albacore tuna. (It is my choice for this, but you could also use ahi.) Pull it out of the fridge about 20-30 minutes before searing. During this time, make your dressing that will go on top: whisk together some olive oil and fresh lemon juice. You want about 3 parts high quality olive oil to one part lemon juice. Finely sliver a clove or two of garlic, and chop a small handful of fresh mint and oregano. Add it all to the lemon olive oil with a dash of salt and pepper. That's all. Just let it sit until your fish has been seared.

Add some olive oil to a hot pan. Season the fish with salt and pepper and get your sear on. You will be able to see when the fish is ready to turn. It will start getting white up the side of the fish. You want to keep a nice pink ribbon in the middle. Once you think you have a good crust, flip and cook the other side the same. Do not overcook it! You want the middle to be almost raw. Once you plate the albacore, it will continue to cook a little. Spoon the olive oil and lemon dressing over the top of the fish and dive in. We usually have this with a spinach or kale salad. It's also splendid with a side of capellini pasta and some of the dressing mixed in.
Here it is with a side of sesame kale chips. For the kale chips, heat an oven to 400 degrees. Coat some chopped Lacinato kale in olive oil and season with Gomasio and pepper. Bake until crisp, about 12 minutes for a healthy and delicious side or snack.

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